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Peki was created to provide a community for parents who want their children to experience a world where cultural roots matter, where less can be more and nature is cared for even in a big and bustling city. 


The Peki approach is rooted in five key elements, which together we believe gives Peki its meaning "a state of being well"(derived from the Kaxinawa tribe's dictionary).

1. Heritage: Keeping tradition and CULTURE alive through play

2. Spontaneity: Promoting a sense of TIMElessness by unplugging from daily


3. Creativity: Encouraging a time-honored approach to games &    basic toys     

4. ECO: Respecting NATURE through environmentally friendly practices & community


5. Magic: Being surprised and LOVING it!

Behind the 5 Elements 


1. The importance in cultivating our family heritage


Globalization makes families move around the world constantly and they end up missing connections with their own cultures. Without close contacts to share with their children while abroad, many multicultural families find it difficul to maintain and promote their traditions with their children. This feeling ends up evoking nostalgia; instead of becoming a reason to be sad, it could be one more reason to integrate the families, if there is place and way to celebrate their roots.


2. A toast to creativity


Nowadays, very early in the children’s lives their routines become very compromised with busy agendas. Of course, that there is a positive side of stimulating them properly, according to updated studies and activities available to shape them up to an adult life. However, the children should not have their childhood consumed by schedule, especially not for recreational activities. Overly rigorous regimens are more harmful for their balanced development and parents can tend to become over-charged with high expectations for results. It is extremely important, even essential, that they have freedom and time to choose, imagine and simply play spontaneously.


3. The Delightful Benefits to Play the Old Fashioned Way


Children have been exposed to excessive levels of information of all sorts and since very early on become attracted to commercial brands and media-generated characters. It is necessary to try to balance this scenario, creating routines that give them an opportunity of using more basic elements and influencing them on building their own toys and arranging their games. It is a way of developing the initiative to develop skills entertainingly and being emotionally satisfied with the whole process of it.


4. Playing and watching the Planet


On the other hand, modern children are more familiar with the recycling movement and are probably teaching the parents more  than we are teaching them because they are growing up with an increasing socio/ecological awareness. In their natural young lives, not recycling and not fundraising are not accepted! And perhaps using printing material are not welcome neither.

But there is still the importance of highlighting that before recycling the most effective way of saving the environment is improving our habits—not wasting! Also, it is important while raising consciences to work on the language, teaching them to empower communities, more than just saying “helping unprivileged ones” ! It is all about the value of giving back and working together. It is fundamental and urgent to work shoulder to shoulder while learning how to take advantage of technology, processing the information available, but not damaging our way of being responsible citizens and giving human beings.


5. The Enchantment is the Childhood’ Soul


A child should be surprised by joy!

The academic studies are very important to raise a prepared and self- confident person. But happiness and success depends on a balanced childhood. Enchantment should be present in everything that we do with children. Accordingly, they will remember deep, powerful feelings of wonder and contentment. 


Peki Natura & Sustainability


Peki has an authentic vision to help you and your children experience the world and its plurality by using as bridge our natural instinct to love and support each other and our connection to Nature

• emphasizing the  connection between Parents & Children, by exploring their Roots

• reinforcing family bonding while looking at our bonds with Mother Nature

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