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At Peki we set the stage for a child’s imagination to grow.


We use a simple recipe tried and true:


1.  A cozy & comfy environment


2.  Themes from around the world


3.  Homespun games & projects


4.  A PeKinic of homemade snacks


5.  Creativity & a sprinkle of magic

At Peki we set the stage for a child’s imagination to grow.


We use a simple recipe tried and true:


1.  A cozy & comfy environment


2.  Themes from around the world


3.  Homespun games & projects


4.  A PeKinic of homemade snacks


5.  Creativity & a sprinkle of magic



PeKi Experience is framed with activities presenting the cultural theme of day. It can be applied at any event, and the ages are manageable according to the purpose of the group. It is a family experience, where everyone learns with each other. 


The  themes are carefully curated by the PeKi Team according to the group’s heritage.


Each meeting has 2 hours window, enough time to translate the sense of a free time for playing different than a class. The main purpose is to help children lose the sense of time. The experience is designed to have enough time for everything as well as flexibility for arriving and leaving without rushing. 


1. Free PLAY Time for exploring the ambiance and playing around, with basic materials, such as wood blocks and toys, fabrics and treasure box.


2. Activity Suggestive moment for doing an activity together, Peki’s arts and crafts with recyclables, and/or gardening, and some body moves, yoga, dancing or game;  


3.PeKiNic Time: Ritual that everyone should share together, which is the core moment of the experience, evoking the culture of the day and the appreciation for the art of eating fresh/homemade food.


4. Story Time: Read a story related to the theme of the day 


5. Music and Movements: Listen to a song, also related to the theme of the day, dance and finish with some  yoga and meditation poses  

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