Is the Modern Education Making our Kids Happy?
The University of Michigan's World Values Surveys (WVS) has compiled data on the happiest countries in the world for over twenty years. Their results are considered the most authoritative by happiness researchers.
The Third World countries are the happiest; Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador and Puerto Rico.
“ Happiness can be a rare beast in our classrooms, but we can create and protect learning conditions in which happiness can flourish.” - Ph.D Emma Seppala
Peki was founded with the principal that: “Kids need to be Kids”. That means, kids need time to play - advised our Mentor, since the beginning of our Group, Prof. Anna Martini (Grandmother).
Today, experts reconfirm it, and alert us of the problem with kids in some developed regions in the world:
“Children need time for idleness, fun and irrelevant interests… let your kids relax and access their inner inventor.”
Ph.D Emma Seppala
Science Director - Stanford University
Author of “The Happiness Track” – How to apply the science off happiness to accelerate your accelerate your success
Happy kids show up at school more able to learn because they tend to sleep better and may have healthier immune systems. Happy kids learn faster and think more creatively. Happy kids tend to be more resilient in the face of failures. Happy kids have stronger relationships and make new friends more easily.
“We put our children’s happiness at risk when we model the “myths of success”: the belief that success is inextricably tied to stress and anxiety, perseverance at all costs, avoidance of personal weakness, and a myopic focus on cultivating expertise in a specialized niche.
Live in the moment. Rather than encouraging children to live from one to-do item to the next, help them focus and enjoy whatever activity they are engaged in now.

Children should not be surprised by joy.
If they are, the responsibility for its absence lies at the feet of parents, teachers and administrators who have pushed happiness out of its native habitat to make room for the toxic, invasive species of anxiety, stress and fear.
(In Portuguese)
A ciência ao estudar a felicidade, chegou a mesma conclusão. Uma pesquisa realizada pelo World Value Survey, sediado na Universidade de Michigan, nos Estados Unidos, registrou a porcentagem da população que diz se sentir feliz, em 65 países. Os sete primeiros colocados são países de Terceiro Mundo: Nigéria, México, Venezuela, El Salvador, Porto Rico, Vietnã e Colômbia.
A Felicidade não é algo ligado ao ter, mas ao fazer”.
A Felicidade é algo que se constrói com amor e constante dedicação.