PeKi Way: ReThink ReCycle & Social

Why don't we Celebrate Childhood, Play and Create with Recyclables, get together to embrace our cultural roots, and on top of all , with so much fun, support beautiful social causes?
PeKinic/Brazilian Children's Day 2015 & Quabales Group with Mariovaldo dos Santos e Manu
Peki Eco/Social approach is based on evolving our partners from non profitable organization that share the same commitment as Peki’s philosophy in raising awareness and factual actions to provide more cultural and environment education for children, specially the most unprivileged* ones.
However, we do not use that terminology, and instead, PeKi suggests what we call it “exchanging actions”.
We suggest to use the services and products from organizations that need to receive financial support. Even if it is symbolic, it is important to create a sustainable chain of work and compensation. For example, a Birthday Party organized by PeKi donates a percentage to social programs and the clients may do the same and instead of only donating money, it could hiring a service, like a presentation with “Quabales Group”, (social project that uses repercussions with recyclables, like Stomp, from NY). It could be also the products hand made to include on Party Favor’s Bag (supporting artisanal culture too) or even a video, made for the Party from the organization receiving the support. The activities at the parties or workshops organized by PeKi, regardless the specific theme, use recyclables and engage the participants on creating something with “garbage”. It is a spontaneous and fun way to create the habit of taking care of our Planet, recycling, and even more importantly: wasting less,thinking green and feeling happier.
* Thoughtful and Intentional Fundraising Language , PeKi is not alone!
Peki is not alone on been careful with the language used to create a mutual relationship with those potential in need and to create a more engaged and proactive Community. At Riverdale Country School, for instance, the fundraisers leaders exercise care in choosing the language to frame their work as allyship rather than giving up out of pity. As an example, they refered to volunteer work as: "Service Learning", rather than "Community Service".
An Opportunity to Mutual Exchange
"The hope is that students realize that the person you're interacting with also has something to offer you" - Affirmed Ms. Antoinette Q., Coordinator of Community Engagement and Assistant Director of Global Studies.
Ella K., a high school student, founded activity Riverdale for Refugees and often participates in fundraising efforts, has been diligent in remembering to use sensitive language: "We would like to teach people about what's happening instead of portraying ourselves as better than those who we are helping." She discourages language that makes the school seem superior because "it creates a stigma around giving money when giving money isn't something that we just do for more people,... I'm having a more fulfilled life and doing beyond my day-to-day, like doing my homework, like my reach is beyond just my little bubble of New York and privilege."
Moreover, the biggest give that you may give, is your time, because it is a reciprocal exchange. While some kids are benefiting from funds or receiving attention, the most financial fortunate kids, are learning a lot with them and becoming better people who value gratitude, who value the power of giving back, understanding the situation of other people in the world.
PeKiNic and BrazilFoundation/Quabale's Fundraising 2015 at Tear Drop Park

The event was possible thank to you, our amazing Friends of Peki/Board Members and Supporters: @BandTz /Julia Gabella, @plain-T /Tathi e Alexandre Teixeira, @MelissaUSA/Mi Levy; Editora Magia de Ler/Stéphanie Habrich; @31streetstudio Joanna Grinner Cawley; @camiladotta photos and @mariovaldodossantos @quabales percussion

All Together in Montauk, Summer 2015 @thesurflodge: #BrazilFoundation supporting the Project #pimpmycarroca with the artist #mundano_sp and #pekiny (a Way of playing, with enchantment and recyclables) with Friends & Family, raising funds, learning and having fun!!!!

While supporting a social cause, families bond with each other through arts & crafts, playing and having fun

The children painted me, my clothes and the street artist, Thiago Mundano add this special touch. ( Mundano is a street artist who celebrates trash collectors).

I wore it at a BrazilFoundation Gala in New York, in 2015, representing the cause of recycling, educating and letting kids be kids, around the world.

PekiNic for "Abrace o Brasil" 2017 Battery Park City

PeKi Way of Playing and Learning at BrazilFoundation Office/ #abraceobrasil 2018